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Who We Are

Malaysian Social Research Institute (MSRI)


Malaysian Social Research Institute (MSRI) (657776-U) (200401019273), formerly known as Malaysian Sociological Research Institute, was founded by Dato' Dr Alijah Gordon on 24 November 1959. The main purpose of the Institute was to publish and promote Malaysian culture and assist Malaysian authors who were at the forefront of Malaysian writing to publish works on Malayan culture, history, religion and customs. In the 1970s MSRI ventured into its first humanitarian project sending several medical aid teams to the refugee camps in Lebanon and initiated the Sponsor-a-Palestinian-child Programme. Today, MSRI has grown to serve not only the local community but more than 20 different refugee communities from the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia.

Malaysian Social Research Institute (MSRI) is a non-profit organization dedicated to advocating for the poor, hungry, marginalized and politically under-represented people in the local communities and across the world. We actively seek to improve their standard of living and make a long-lasting impact with sustainable solutions, operating through grassroot projects and educational initiatives. Beyond helping the local communities, we also work with refugee and asylum-seeker communities whose country of origins are those within the Middle Eastern, Central Asian and African regions; which include Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, Syria, Pakistan, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen.

MSRI is registered with the Registrar of Companies under the Companies Act 1965. All cash donations to MSRI are LHDN tax deductible effective 2019 until 2023.

Our Mission

Our Goal, Vision & Commitment

Scope of Activities
For the realization of our objectives and in line with our vision and mission the focus will be on the following activities :

1) Research and publication
To publish printed or electronic materials such as books, newsletters and journals for general reading on current socio-economic issues.

2) Intellectual discourse
To organise physical and virtual seminars, conferences, forums and other forms of intellectual discourse in diversifying ideas to find solutions to specific issues in Malaysia.

3) Partnership and collaboration
To collaborate with local and international agencies in carrying out programmes for mutual benefits.

4) To support action research and intervention activities on education for displaced and marginalised children in urban setting, covering the following areas :
i. Trauma management
ii. Learning motivation
iii. Curriculum effectiveness
iv. Assessment instruments
v. Capacity building for teachers
vi. e-Learning effectiveness
vii. Parental engagement and effectiveness

5) To support participatory research on protection for women and girls against SGBV and other forms of exploitations, with the aim of enhancing community-based protection.

6) To provide cash-based assistance or in-kind to communities in Malaysia who are facing temporary disruption to access to basic needs such as food, shelter and medical care.

7) To provide partial or full scholarship for tertiary level studies in social sciences.

Our Partners

Our People

Board of Governors

At the core of the Malaysian Social Research Institute (MSRI) is a Board of Governors with diverse professional backgrounds and expertise. The Board is responsible and accountable for the overall governance and performance of MSRI. The Board steers the organisation towards its mission and purpose through sound, ethical and legal governance and financial management policies.

Dato' Mohammed Ab Halim Ab Rahman

Dato’ Mohammed Ab Halim Ab Rahman is the Chairman of the Malaysian Social Research Institute (MSRI), a non-profit organisation that primarily focuses on humanitarian efforts that assist underprivileged, disadvantaged, marginalised, and vulnerable communities, through education, health, livelihood, and emergency support.

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Puan Fatimah Haron
Dato' Hishamudin Ubaidulla
Aliza Haryati Khalid
Khalek bin Awang
Tengku Mohamed Fauzi
Natasha MH



Andrea Fernandez
General Manager

Alphonsa Maclean
Finance/HR Manager

Maria Moses 
Accounts Executive 

Haizol Manaf
Graphic Designer


Sarah Letch
Project Administrator

Education Volunteer

Organization Chart


To help us raise the funds for these projects, please contact us at