(+603)-4252 8699
After 41 weeks of learning remotely during the Movement Control Order (MCO) in Malaysia, we found out that many of our students at MSRI School have come back with significant difficulties with their vision. Our teachers reported students struggling to see the board in class and reading the pages of their books and exam papers too. This new challenge contributes to students struggling in class and impacts their learning. The situation aggravates the learning loss situation in refugee students and thus threatens the futures of these children. We believe the first step in managing learning loss is ensuring that our students can see what’s written on the board and in the books they use for learning. Getting children’s eyes tested is a cost that is out of reach for refugee families struggling to provide basic food and shelter. Generous eye care professionals at SpecVision Optometry are making a big difference right now for these children by providing vision tests to determine which students need glasses. By offering low-cost frames and lenses for children, they are making it possible for all MSRI students to see clearly.
So far, we’ve screened nearly 200 students, and have found that over 60 of them have problems with their vision that requires glasses. We’ll continue working our way through the classes over the coming weeks until all of our student’s vision problems have been addressed.