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Read and join our research
Since 1959, MSRI has continually worked to strengthen our research and publication activities, and to continue to be a hub for collaboration between prominent and emerging scholars in the field. We aim to bring together prominent academics and researchers, both within Malaysia and internationally, to participate in discourse and to share findings and experiences.
MSRI is currently seeking authors to submit works to potentially be published in one of our upcoming journals. We welcome abstracts with full length papers from scholars in the field.
In particular, we seek research papers that examine discourses on Malaysian culture, history, religion, and customs. We also welcome authors to submit research papers from multidisciplinary areas, particularly if they focus on topics related to MSRI’s.
MSRI also provides a platform for researchers and educators to present their findings or to lead seminars on relevant topics to communities that MSRI serves. We welcome proposals on presentation topics.
Please send abstracts and proposals to