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UNHCR and Cash Assistance - 2021 Annual Report

This report highlights UNHCR’s progress on expanding the systematic use of cash assistance in 2021 in line with the Policy on Cash-Based Interventions. The report provides an overview of the use of cash assistance in UNHCR country operations and the work to make UNHCR cash enabled at all levels of the organisation.


• Meeting its Grand Bargain commitment, UNHCR delivered some USD 670 million to some 9.3 million people in 100 countries.

• UNHCR used cash in emergencies including in challenging contexts such as Afghanistan, DRC,
Yemen and Iran.

• 95% of the cash was unrestricted, providing the choice to the beneficiaries.

• UNHCR largest operations delivering cash assistance were: Jordan, Lebanon, Yemen, Greece, Iraq, Egypt, Mexico, Afghanistan, Burundi and Somalia.

• UNHCR responded rapidly and effectively to COVID, scaling up cash in 65 countries.


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